Happy Thursday everyone!πŸ’₯😊Welcome to the challenge! Day 8!

21-day Challenge: Thrive into 2024!πŸŽ‰"Tip8 : "Your Vision; Your Future🌎!"(LLT Day#109)

Tip 8- Visualize Your Future! Imagination is everything- the key to coming attractions! (Einstein)✈️🌎πŸ’₯

Everywhere we turn, it seems as if all people talk about is "visualization".

Just what is it?

Human beings are distinct as designed with the ability to "see" what has not yet happened. From the aeroplane ✈️to your basic coffee cup, everything in the material, visible world is started in someone's imagination.

Essentially, if you can "see it, you can design it into existence". That

This does not mean that if you sit up all night and really think about a new car or ideal day, or no financial challenges, it will "appear".

No- visualisation is about slowing down, taking a quiet place and time to really use your imagination of your deepest desires and heartfelt goals.

This "fills your cup", gives a sense of purpose, and then you can "see the forest" of accomplishment, not the "trees" of daily woes.πŸŒŽπŸ›£οΈπŸ’—πŸ’₯

Caregiving requires time, a lotttt of time, energy and heart, and especially if you work full orpart timee, it is entirely understandable to feel that your goals and dreams have to be pushed aside. So howcan youu start?

1/βœ… start with 3 deep breaths to calm your mind (ensure a quiet space first) (a relaxed brain is most creative).

2/ βœ… now imagine your greatest heartfelt goal- personal, work, relationships, health; see the impact; all in lights; the clothes you are wearing; your favourite smell; no dream is too big if your brain can see it!

3/ βœ… write them down in as much detail as possible - this is key- write it in your brain, and it will cooperate and actually "conspire with you!

4/βœ…set down one practical way towards this goal- ask a trusted friend to be an accountability partner

See it! Feel it! Do it! Start NOW!πŸ’―πŸ’₯

I can "see" the success coming your way!πŸ†πŸ˜

It's not "woo-woo stuff"- the proof is there!

Try it!βœ…πŸ˜Š

From my heart to yours!πŸ’—

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