You know those days when nothing went right, and you feel "turned upside down"?

Ever had one, or 2 , or 21 of those days?!😲😲

Acknowledge( not condemn)!💝

Negative feelings can seem to have more power to discourage, especially when one is tired.

Family Caregivers know so well how unpredictable, the days can be!😤

Many have come into this role suddenly; unexpectedly, and the requirements can easily become overwhelming......

Physical, financial and emotional pressures can pile up; sibling disagreements on how best to "take care of mum and dad" can be very distressing, and many times regret, frustration, and even anger and resentment can become the norm, not the exception.

So how can we turn this around so that we can "transform the negative"? As with all the times when we feel "turned upside down", it is good to slow down, take a breath (as always); and acknowledge your feelings; it didn't go right, you could have responded rather than reacted.

Who of us has always done everything correctly and never put a foot wrong?🤔

Let's not condemn ourselves- most often we are our harshest critics.😔

So be gentle with yourself and forgive yourself; look back at the situation(s) and seek practical ways where you can take control, rather than letting the situation control you. Apologise; clear up misunderstandings where you can.

Moment by moment.

You are doing the best you can. Acknowledge yourself!🙂💥💥💥💥💥

From my heart to yours!💗

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