Lana's Little Things Day #143- The Power of Our Presence and Energy To Inspire and Encourage! 😊πŸ’₯πŸ’

Welcome back friends!

It's the last day of January!!!!😯😲How did that even happen?

Do our energy, attitude, or even a smile to a random stranger or act of kindness really matter?😊πŸ’₯πŸ’

In his world-renowned book In his book "The Power of Intention", among the many nuggets Wayne Dyer mentions are his reminders on the power of our thoughts to enhance our life and that of others.πŸ’―πŸ’—πŸ’­

Being mindful about our presence, energy, and connections can affect the mood, outlook and even sense of hope - a profound influence over ourselves and others, transcending age and circumstance!

By cultivating awareness and elevating our frequencies, we enrich the quality of all our relationships.

Why is that so important?

When we really recognise the intense interconnectedness of all as living creatures on our "island" in space (Earth); empowers us to positively impact the world around us through our thoughts and actions.

We discuss how mindfully we harness the transformative potential of our existence, fostering harmony and unity in our shared journey through life.🀝

Who can say no to that?😊

From my heart to yours always!πŸ’—

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