Lana's Little Things #171 -The Danger of Toxic Positivity and Suppressing Our Emotions⚠️

Welcome back!

1/ What is "toxic positive positivity" and why is it dangerous?

2/How are we faced with it in daily life?

3/How can we validate our feelings; "feel, deal and heal"? ❤️‍🩹

While it is important to focus on the positive outcome of a situation and not dwell on our troubles and challenges in life, toxic positivity is another mindset that can actually detract and detach us from having meaningful relationships and feeling guilty and disconnected.

It is bad for our mental health.

1/Toxic positivity is the assumption that no matter what is happening in our lives, however sad, disruptive or stressful, we must maintain a positive attitude and simply say "All is well".

2/ Our feelings, our emotions are all valid and we cannot just "turn them off" or sweep them under the carpet. That makes it worse and according to some medical research, can cause issues from insomnia to substance abuse.

We must validate our feelings , "face our dragons" (what we fear), in order to heal and achieve our goals.

To combat this negativity posing behind the all too familiar mask of : "Everything is good"; "I have no troubles or worries", we heal by:

1/Remaining present with ourselves - deep breathing, meditation and prayer work. Call a trusted friend with whom you can freely share your feelings.

2/ Face/acknowledge our fears and concerns - they makes them appear less threatening and we can then see a way through to:

3/Make a list of practical steps that we can take to, for example manage our finances, make our goals and dreams more clear, and be focused ; one step at a time.

Feeling all our feelings, painful or not, keeps us grounded.

We do not have to "go it alone". We should not.

From my heart to yours always💗



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