LLT 173 :The Power of A Strong Immune System- Even when You're Sick!

Hello friends!

Calling all B, Helper, (and all other cells!)- this doc is sick!!! 👩🏽‍⚕️🤒🫨

Yes....... we do get the cold, flu, etc--- yep- we human too! 🦸🏽‍♀️🦸🏽‍♂️🫨🤧

So I thought- what greater opportunity to have a discussion on :

Our Wonderful Immune System!🧬

Join me as I discuss (and use grandmother's "cure all" concoctions)

Love to hear your tips, and your journey!

Our immune system- we would probably not get past day 1 of life without it, yet we can (and do) take it..forgranted .

So why is important, what are some factors that weaken it?

More importantly, how can we safeguard our "cells of safety" and live our best life?


Some vital purposes of our immune system:


We come into a world FULL of germs of every kind and to simply live (literally), we need the help of special White blood cells that (at ALL ages) which:

1/✅💗💗protect us against the "invaders to our body;

2/✅💗💗regulate our healing process every minute (do you recall every bruise and paper cut you got today?- Likely no- yet we heal

3/✅💗💗we can go about our daily lives, dealing with our responsibilities and all that life may toss that day , safe in the knowledge that our invisible "troopers" allow us to do this in a healthy way and then , rest and regroup" .


Factors that affect our immune state ;many in our control; some are not- {grace for the space🙏🏽)

⚠️Diet - low in fruits and vegetables ; high in bad fats, fried foods refined foods, less homecooked (or any cooked) meal; all contribute to stress on our cells, impairing their ability to produce effective cells and even to repair

⚠️Lifestyle- sedentary (can you remember the last day, week, month, you did any form of exercise- whatever your age, even with limited mobility?);stress of work (that word again); poor sleep patterns (no "rest" phase for healing

⚠️Environment- pollutants in our air, land, water, foods- all cause stress 😟

⚠️And, yes, the ageing process does affect healing , as cells do not work as efficiently in many systems, but the combined factors of lack of exercise, poor nutrition (age-appropriate), loneliness and isolation (their own source of distress) and poor sleep, not to mention respiratory illness (even a "common cold"), can take a toll on persons , notably above age 60/65)

So- all doom and gloom?🫨


We WERE/ARE designed to heal and there are factors that can keep us stronger, healthier, longer and , even if a "bug or two get in the way, we can bounce back!

What to do may be so simple, it sounds too good to be true:

✅Healthy diet- including water!🚰, rich in fresh fruit, vegetables and as much variety as possible

✅Exercise- improves circulation, heart health and immunity that has power!

✅Reduce stress, get SLEEP - yes those again !


It is also not a "one sized fits all".

Each of us , on this planet, has our unique challenges, but take sometime today to thank your cells which defend, protect and heal!🧬🧬🙏🏽


😉Please , Please don't smoke!!🚭

From my heart to yours always💗


(Disclaimer: this is not meant to dictate medical information: please seek full advice from your healthcare provider)

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