Sick again!🧓🏽😱

Especially if you are a Family Caregiver of an older person, you know you know this only too well:

Mum, dad (both!) , your spouse, relative, just got over one infection, and now have another?

Feel as if you "can't catch a break?"😩

Why are older persons (and usually over 70/75/80) so prone to infections?

THE MAIN 3: 1/Pneumonia 2/Bladder Infection (UTI) and 3/ Skin Infections

If you're seeking clarity (and a little peace of mind to be frank); join me as I discuss

🧓🏽3 reasons

🧓🏽3 ways to detect early signs and

🧓🏽3 means of either mitigating the severity by early intervention

3 reasons :

1/🧓🏽Seniors are more prone to infections as ageing renders the immune system somewhat sluggish

2/🧓🏽the usual fighter cells less efficient and

3/🧓🏽🛌🏽 immobility also increases the risk of the main infections.

This means that in general , infections in a younger person which may pass without incident, in older persons, may progress quickly to serious illness even requiring urgent medical attention and possibly hospitalisation, further adding to infection risk.

🧓🏽3 ways to detect early signs:

As mentioned above, common signs and symptoms of infection in the elderly may not be straightforward such as the easily recognisable chills, fever, aches and pains.

So, HOW can you know? Be keenly observant for :

1/🧓🏽loss of appetite (food and drink or one more than the other)

2/🧓🏽withdrawal- not as communicative , more tired, and

3/🧓🏽confusion- in recognising people, places and things, or speech not making sense as it did before.

!!Clearly, we need CLARITY!!!🧐

🧓🏽3 means of either mitigating the severity by early intervention:

1/ Good hygiene as a staple-- handwashing, sanitising and so on; make it a habit to do a quick scan from scalp to toenails daily especially if the person is confined to bed or has underlying conditions such as diabetes (where daily feet inspection is CRUCIAL)

2/ Especially if there is a rotating family unit, ensure that you have a system of handover to inform for signs to monitor any changes .

3/ Checks also include recognising the normal scents and sounds of breathing , cough, urine, and stool

You Got This!!!💘🎯

From my heart to yours always💗

Dr. Lana


Overwhelmed? Let's connect: 📧

For more insights and connect for a FREE face-to-Face 15 minute Zoom call, and a place where we can connect as physicians on my website:

If you're a Family Caregiver at your wit's end, needing a different perspective, set up your free 15-minute coaching call-also by email - or on

I always look forward to meeting Fellow Family Caregivers- we gotta stick together!💯
